Sunday February 12, 1995 DataPerfect is such a good database, it is a shame the WordPerfect didn't see fit to make DP mouseable. For all of you who have wished there was an easy way to have your DP applications accept a mouse (without doing the programming that DP was supposed to prevent), your solutions are here. The attached mouse menus and linker are easy to use, and look professional. I'm not a mouse person myself, use the keyboard. However, many clients like a mouse and wish to use one, hence these files. The file DP-MOUSE.ZIP contains the following files: AMENU.COM Mouse TSR program DP23-A.MNU Compiled menu - commands arranged like F-keys DP23-B.MNU Compiled menu - commands grouped DP23-C.MNU Compiled (no pop-up menu) README.TXT This file AMENU.COM is a linking TSR that activates the MNU file and ties it to your loaded mouse program (ie:MOUSE.COM). This one came with my MS compatible mouse, and seems to work OK. If your mouse came with a similar program you might want to try your copy - mine is rather old, as you can see by the date. I've included it, however, so you can see how a mouse would work with DP. This mouse program should work on two and three buttons mice (though I only tested it on two button rodents). On the three button variety the middle button is disabled - but this will come back after the mouse menu is removed. To work in DP, the mouse TSR and menu file must be loaded before DP starts. The command to do so would follow the form of: AMENU DP23-B If your PC is short of environment space, you may have to increase said space for this to work. In my case (use DOS 6.2) I have increased the space - but I also have a bunch of other stuff going on to...... The command to increase the space (in DOS 5 & 6.2) should be placed in the config.sys file, and looks like: SHELL=c:\dos\ /e:2048 /p This looks to located in my DOS directory and then increases the environment space to 2k. You would have to substitute the directory where your is located, if different. When enabled, mouse movement is translated to [SHIFT-TAB] (for moving to the left, and up through the fields), and [ENTER] (for moving to the right, and down through the fields). The left mouse button, pops up a menu, and the right button functions as the [ENTER] key. The mouse action may change depending on the screen appearance ie: in lookup/and panel report lists, left /right movement is disabled; in menus all movement is disabled; ..... There are three menu/mouse files, DP23-A, DP23-B, DP23-C. They differ only in menu layout. DP23-A has a layout like that of the function keys, while DP23-B groups similar commands together. DP23-C, allows mouse movement but has no pop-up mouse menu (also the left mouse button issues the [CANCEL] command). Use what is most convenient. After leaving DP, the mouse program/menu should be removed. The command to do this, would follow the form of: AMENU OFF Of course, it's easier to use a batch file to this (saves typing all those commands). If you don't want the user's to see what's going on, you may want to include the DOS NUL (redirect parameter) to disable the writing of AMENU's messages to the screen. Sample Batch file: @echo off cls amenu dp23-B > nul dp amneu off > nul cls Hope you will find this useful. If you do, please share it with your friends and fellow DataPerfect users/programmers. The menus and text are freeware please copy and distribute freely. Regards Jim Balcom Tantallon NS Canada